Pomo Comic

Pomo Comic

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


In conclusion from the examples of Wikipedia, How to tell a true war story, and the Fountain are all good examples of post modernism thought. All of them show they challenge the traditional structure of the industries they operate in. For example Wikipedia challenges ideas about the author being one person and having credentials, it challenges the idea that information is static and doesn't change, it also challenge that information should be free and you don't have to pay for it. For How to Tell a True War Story, Tim O'Brien challenges the idea that narrative truth is not the same as emotional truth and it is okay to be an unreliable narrative. This can be seen directly influenced by war where you can see that morality is ambiguous and humans are irrational. The view is much more realistic and no longer romanticizes human ideals. The Fountain also challenged art conventions and it structure and definition. It asks the question what is the definition of art. Duchamp proposes that art can be a ready made manufactured object and it is simply the context and the decision of the artist to choose it. It is also the beginning of conceptual art, where the idea presented in the art is more important the physical object of art. Post modernism demonstrates an attitude that is harshly realistic, challenges the tradition in which things used to be and fundamentally changed the approach to all aspects of society.

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